
As a coach who is also a spiritist, successful artist, consultant, and prior educator, I reside at the intersection of spiritual connection, artistic exploration, and research-based best practices as tools to alchemize quantum shifts in our lives.

I believe you have the answers. I merely assist you in getting there.

Life Alchemy Coaching

1:1 Coaching;

Community Group Spirit Sessions

For clients desiring a devoted space to sharpen their spiritual tools to build their life.


For Organizations.

Tailored arts-based practices integrated with research-based strategies to help your organization gather organic qualitative data, develop reflective processes for program/systems evaluation, and sustainable structures/processes that foster equity and evolution.



Sample speaking topics:

  • Artistic process

  • Creating harmony in the family/artist life

  • Art, Spirituality, & Activism; Liberation; Black and Afro-Latinx creating

  • Spirituality and artistic creation

[Colgate University; Fresh Arts; Houston Cinema Arts Society; Digital Theatre UK; Creativity in Captivity Podcast]

“Art is a transformative vehicle for life, spirit, and systems change.”